How To Calm Your Horse On The Trail In 2 Steps
We have all been on that trail ride where our horse is anxious, jigging, and rushing on on the trail. This video shows how to teach your...

How Your Seat Influences Both Rider and Horse
When it comes to horseback riding, balance is everything. It’s not just about the rider staying securely in the saddle; it’s also about...

Is Horsemanship Bad? Exploring the Nuances.
In the world of equestrian sports and horse care, the topic of horsemanship has been a subject of debate for many years. Some argue that...

Eight Reasons Why You Or Your Child Should Take Horse Riding Lessons
Most people would agree that taking horse riding lessons would improve your ability to ride a horse overall, but what about some of the...

My Path to Sustainable Motivation
Have you ever experienced a lack of motivation, struggling to stay focused on your goals or feeling drained by the demands of daily life?...

A Journey of Self-Discovery and Connection with Horses
In our fast-paced and chaotic world, finding peace and serenity is becoming increasingly crucial. For me, mindfulness and horses have...

How Important is a Warm Up?
Warming up your horse properly can be the key to success for any ride. If you do not properly warm up your horse, it can set a negative...

6 Key Steps to Success
#1 Understanding Communication We often wonder why our horses are confused with what we are asking. We need to take a step back and learn...

Favorite/Go-To Groundwork Exercises
Someone recently wrote in to me on my Instagram asking what my top ten favorite groundwork exercises are. This was incredibly difficult...

Why Scott got into training horses
Scott gets asked the question all the time, "Why do you do what you do?" His answer is simple! Check it out below. Click here to learn...