"Lessons are How Much?!"
Do you know why I got into horses? Because I love them, of course! I started my own lesson and show barn so that I could share my love...
Add Some Color to Your Training!
I have been spending a significant amount of time traveling North America with my husband, while teaching clinics and lessons. I have...
Go After What You Want!
My husband and I were talking earlier today about my path with horses and in particular with my upcoming journey back into the horse show...
This Horse Dumped Me!
You know those horses that we see advertised all over the place that we think the horse must actually be a unicorn? Well, not only was...
Through Grace's Eyes - It's All About The Hips!
Equitation is so incredibly important to me and should be to every-single-rider. I believe good equitation stems from your seat. Your...
Horses And Humans: More Similar Than You Think
I'm sitting on a plane headed to California (from Virginia) to teach a clinic and perform at an Expo and I find myself thinking about how...
Vacation is Over, Back to Reality
How many of you have gone on vacation and when you return to reality, you are out of sync with your normal routine? For me, it takes a...
How To Get Lead Changes In A Few Simple Steps
One of the biggest requests that I get from students at clinics is how to get a lead change from their horse. I totally understand why...
Improve Stopping In 1 Simple Step
The amount of ways that I have watched people try to stop their horse is honestly amusing. From some only doing one rein stops to others...
Are We At Fault For Our Horse's Problems?
Many times we are quick to blame a horse for a specific problem such as bucking, biting, won't stand still, can't catch them in the...